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A (brief) Outline of a Philosophy Essay
1. Introduction/Orientation
• Specify your general topic. What is your research question?
Report what previous philosophers have thought about this topic. Describe the current
“landscape” surrounding the issue.
2. Thesis
• State your thesis and provide a brief overview of the reasons (premises) that will support
the thesis (conclusion). You should see the thesis as answering your research question.
Report who has held the same or a similar view.
Report who has held the opposite or a different view.
Motivation: Explain why this thesis or topic is interesting or important in your Philosophy Essay
3. Argument
• Demonstrate that the premises/reasons you clarified earlier support the thesis. It would be
best if you considered each premise individually.
• Engage contemporary literature on the topic to provide support for your views.
• Show that the premises are true.
4. Objections
• Consider objections raised against at least one of the reasons you provide supporting your
Raise the objections that historically significant philosophers have already raised to that
Raise the objections that your professor or fellow students have raised.
Raise objections that no one else has raised and which, when answered, further explicate and
shore up your thesis.
5. Response
• Respond to your objections by showing that the reason is salvable.
6. Conclusion
• State the upshot of what you have proven.
• Indicate relevant issues future research might address.
Page Length: 12-25 pages, double spaced
Citing your sources: Please use whatever citation style you desire.
Secondary source quantity: This project should use at least three scholarly sources.
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